For this project I really wanted to figure out how people did colorization's of old black and white photos. I thought it was a bunch of air brushing but once I came across This tutorial I realized that you really do not need all of that. So here it is: The Colorization of Jay-Z
Right here is the before. I had to do very few edge ups because the quality of the photo is not too bad. I Selected the skin to adjust first. Followed by the Glassed, Top Hair, Side burns and then the back ground last.
After everything was finished I gave the final image a blue background tint, similar to the example and I also selected the entire image of jayz and did a few last adjustments.
The two pieces that I picked for this entry are by Jerico Santander.
In this first image the denotation that we can see here is just simply a sort of heaven, earth and hell scene. The guitar in the image plays off as earth with a lot of green plains, ice capped mountains and blue bodies of water. Towards the very top of the guitar we see that the neck has become the base for the trunk of a tree that branches up to the sky. The tree branches sprout out CDs and even host as home to a nest where a newly hatched "musical note" takes flight. When I start to break this piece down to figure out the connotation behind the imagery, I cant help but notice two possible themes that Jerico may have made attempts to convey. The first being that the strategic placement of the guitar is supposed to symbolize a balance between two extremes. There is peace and serenity being shown at the top of this image. The use of flourishing nature along with bright shades and life signifies happiness while on the exact opposite side we see lava, dark shades and dead earth (barren rocks). The other theme I see in this image is the use of music as a medium to peace and happiness. If you start from the bottom and read the image upward, you see that through music one is able to take themselves from a place of distraught to a beautiful place of peace and relaxation.
In the second image I looked at we can see that there is an old mans head formed by earth and old buildings. We can also see old architecture crumbling apart in a rain forest setting. I get an old Mesoamerica feel when I look at this image. When I started to think about what Jerico was trying to convey in this, my initial thought was that it was simply an image of an ancient man slowly fading away being damaged only by the forces of time. But as I began to write out this assignment, what also came to mind is the possibility of Jerico trying to show how the old is the aging rain forest suffering from the act of man. by looking at the face of the old man we see that he is looking down in a sad state with rivers of tears flowing from his eyes.